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High Holiday Packet 2024

The Beth Shalom

High Holiday Packet 2024 - 5785

We look forward to celebrating the New Year and Yom Kippur with you. The High Holidays are made up of several holy days and are a time for refreshing, renewing and asking for forgiveness. The choices on this form are designed to help enhance your experience and make it more meaningful for you and your whole family.

It takes tremendous preparation and coordination by our Clergy, staff, Board of Trustees, volunteers and security to provide a safe and uplifting spiritual experience for our congregants during the High Holidays. Thank you to all who help make our holidays successful.

To assist the office in processing your requests, please complete this form as soon as possible.  

Your choice will not preclude you from coming to Beth Shalom in person if your plans should change. 
In order to receive a Zoom link for the holidays, please register directly on Zoom.

Both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services continue up to or through Shabbat. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and subsequently those Shabbats.

Register for Rosh Hashanah
Register for Yom Kippur

Additional Family Member and Guest Information

Please let us know who else from your family will be attending services in person.
This should include: any guests you are purchasing tickets for, a significant other and children 25 years of age or younger.

Additional Family Member / Guest 1

Additional Family Member / Guest 2

Additional Family Member / Guest 3

Additional Family Member / Guest 4

Additional Family Member / Guest 5

Additional Family Member / Guest 6

Ushering/Volunteer Opportunities

Adult volunteers are needed to facilitate our children’s participation in these services and activities.
Adult volunteers are needed to facilitate our children’s participation in these services and activities.

High Holiday Options Available for Purchase

Guest Tickets
If you have out of town relatives who belong to another Conservative synagogue, they can submit a letter of reciprocity for courtesy tickets at Beth Shalom. The letter should state that they are members in good standing at their synagogue and reference the Beth Shalom member’s name. Guest tickets will be mailed with member tickets

Lulav and Etrog
Pick up at the synagogue office prior to and during Sukkot. Available in standard size, and deluxe size. The deluxe is larger than the standard.
Book of Remembrance
At this very special time of year, we remember and mourn our loved ones who have departed. You can memorialize your loved ones during Yizkor and throughout the year in our Book of Remembrance. Please include the first and last names of your loved ones below. Please submit your names by September 25, 2024.
Yom Kippur Apology and Ushering
Asking for forgiveness from others (mehkhilah) is a Jewish tradition before the High Holidays. “Whereas it is known that all people sin, whether it be deliberately or inadvertently, and whereas this is the season of the year when people are supposed to apologize for their sins, we, the undersigned, hereby express our regrets for the sins that we have committed against you during this past year. And we hereby grant you forgiveness for the sins that you have committed against us during this past year too. We realize that simply signing this apology does not take the place of going in person to the person whom we have hurt and we shall try to do that too. We realize that a general apology does not fulfill the halachic requirement to name the sin and to atone for it specifically, and we shall try to do that as well. ...let our names on this list be a sign to all that read them that we regret the things we have done wrong in the past year, and that we resolve to try to do better in the New Year.” 

   1These are tickets for guests of Beth Shalom members 26 years of age and older who are not full time students.
This is only required if you are adding names to the Book of Remembrance. Please make sure that you proof the spelling of the names. 
This is only needed if you are making a donation to include your name on the Yom Kippur apology.
Up to 3 lines with 15 letters and/or numbers on each line
Please include the Hebrew & English name and both the Hebrew & English date of death. Please place your order for the plaque by July 15, 2023 for the best chance to have it returned and placed by Yom Kippur.
Up to 7 lines with 90 letters and/or numbers total per leaf.
Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784